Saturday, 6 December 2014

KTM 200 Adventure


KTM managed to go to the market with Duke 200nya naked , naked motorcycle with a thick
aura of style KTM supermoto . Do not stop there , KTM also launched RC 200 for entry into
the ranks of 250cc sport . The same thing happened in the premium class KTM ,
where Superduke 1190, and 1190 RC8 Adventure has a base that is identical machines . 
Certainly interesting when KTM also released a mini version of the 1190 Adventurenya
to fill the void All Road Bike , which until now has not existed. Yup , if only there is 
the KTM 200 Adventure which is Duke 200 with little change to make it more comfortable
to use for long trips .
KTM Super Duke 1190

KTM 1190 Adventure